Thursday, February 12, 2009


Ø “Degree Theory and its applications in Ordinary Differential Equations”, under the guidance of Prof. M R Kaimal, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Cochin University of Sc. & Tech., for M.Sc. (1986)
Ø “Effect of Radiative Transfer on the Onset of Convection in a Porous Medium” under the guidance of Prof. R Veerabhadraiah, Department of mathematics, Bangalore University, for M.Phil (1988)
Ø “Heat Transfer by Conduction, Convection and Radiation” under the guidance of Prof. N Rudraiah, Department of mathematics, Bangalore University, for Ph.D (1994)
Ø “Knowledge Management of ISRO” as part of the MBA from IGNOU (2000)

Professional Life Memberships and Activities

Indian National Cartographic Association (INCA), Hyderabad
Member, Chapter EC (1996-1998) In-Charge, Teachers Workshop by INCA (1997)
Conducted GEOMAP Quiz for Students (numbering over 10,000) for INCA (1996, 1997)
Indian Society of Remote Sensing (ISRS), Dehra Dun
Member, Chapter EC (1996-1998) Secretary, Chapter (2002-2004)
Member, Poster Session, ISRS-ISPRS Conf, Hyderabad (2002)
In-Charge, Teachers Workshop on “Remote sensing & mapping from Space”, ISRS (1998)
Poster Evaluation & Session Chair at ISRS Symposium at Thiruvananthapuram (2003)
Indian Society of Geomatics (ISG), Ahmadabad
Helped the Geomap Society for Conducting the Out-Door Quiz on Map Reading (2004)
Andhra Pradesh Geographical Society (APGEOS), Hyderabad
EC Member (2003-2005) In-Charge, Teacher’s Workshop (2004)
Children’s Conference (2005)
Indian Institute of Scientific Heritage, Thiruvananthapuram
Advisory Council Member & Hyderabad Coordinator National Coordinator for the Forum for Scientists & Teachers

Academic Institutions Associated with

1000s of Schools 100s of Colleges / Management Institutes / Engineering / Medical Colleges for Lectures / as Guest etc.

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad
Academic Staff College for most of the Refresher Courses and Orientation Programs
Center for Remote Sesning and GIS

LPSC/ ISRO, Valiyamala & Mahendragiri : for the Assistants for Exam on ‘Logical Reasoning, Data Analysis, Mathematics & Management”
KILA (Kerala Institute for Local Administation) Resource Person on HRD
Kannur University : Guest Lectures at Geography Department, Information Technology and Computer Centre and Department of Management, University Centre for Teacher Education
Cochin University of Science & Technology:
Resource Person for the Refresher Course in Environment Science
Presented an invited paper on “Dynamic, personalized ….” International Workshop on e-learning for Adult Continuing Education and Extension Organized by Centre for Adult Continuing Education and Extension, Cochin University of Science and Technology In collaboration with Commonwealth of Learning During September 15-17, 2006
Mahathma Gandhi University: Resource Person for the E-Content Development Training (conducted by UGC-CEC, New Delhi at Mar Athanacious College of Advanced Studies for 5 days
Kerala University: Contributed a paper “Empowering Non-formal Education in the Digital Society
for the International Conference on “Strategies for Strengthening Adult Continuing Education and Extension in 21st Century” (29th August to 1st September 2006)
Aligarh Muslim University: Paper on the Conference on Education : “New Trends in Higher Education” 7th & 8th April 2006
UGC-CEC, New Delhi : Attended E-Content Development Programme (3 weeks) and Adaptive Learning Course (one week)

DIRECTOR, UGC Academic Staff College, Calicut University

At Calicut University from 13th October 2005 to 13th November 2006
As Director, UGC-Academic Staff College Responsible for the Faculty Improvement Programmes (Orientation and Refresher Courses) for the teachers.
Ø Member, under faculty of Science from 21.02.2006
1. Board of Studies in Electronics, Instrumentation, Printing & IT
2. Board of Studies [Under Graduate] in Geology, Environmental Science & Water Management
Ø Member of Programme Advisory Committee of DIET, Malappuram
Ø Member, Advisory Committee of UGC-ASC, Kerala University
Ø Guest Lectures in over 40 colleges under the university in 13 months
Ø Inaugural / keynote Address for Space Research / Image Processing / Human Rights Education / Eco-Tourism / Teaching Innovation / Malayalam Education etc.
Ø Associated with Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension Services
1. Member, Advisory Board
2. Member, Sub-Committee on IT, Communication Skill courses
3. Conducted workshops / Took classes as resource Person for Counseling / Students Guidance Programmes / Soft Skill Development in many colleges
Ø Associated with Career Guidance and Employment Bureau
Resource Person on Science Communication for Science Writing Workshop
Resource Person on Data Analysis, Logical Reasoning and Mathematics for UGC-NET Training at various colleges / University

o Many Public Programmes / lectures including
On Social Service for NSS Volunteers at Calicut University, Trichur with Saksharatha Mission, OISCA Environmental Association at Calicut, Leadership Class for the Kudumbasree
On Gramothsava under the ‘Jyothirgamaya’ mission of Nilambur PanjayathLife Plan Workshop for the LIC Development Officers / ICICI and many Private Companies


University / Institute
No. of Students
Pondichery University
M.Sc. Comp. Sci.
Image Matching
Osmania University
M.Sc. Comp. Sci.
Content Creation
Kerala University
M.Tech. Tech. Mngt
Future Sensor Technology
Kerala University
M.Tech. Tech. Mngt
Satellite data Utilization
Kerala University
M.Tech. Comp.Sc.
Image Processing
Osmania University
M.Tech. Comp.Sc.
Stereo Image Processing
NIT, Warangal
M.Tech. RS & GIS
Spatial Information System
Engng. Colleges in Kerala / Karnataka
B.Tech. (CS / EC)
Data Mining
Image Processing
Osmania University /JNTU Engng Colleges
B.Tech. (CS / EC)
Image Processing
Mapping from Space
Osmania University
Career Counselling
Osmania University
DQC, s/w Testing, Data Base

AWARDS / Recognitions

1. President of India Cash Award for the best paper presented at ISTAM Congress, Varanasi (1988)
2. Represented India among 15 scientists (selected by CSIR) for the ACFM at Hong Kong (1989)
3. SPECK AWRAD for the best paper presentation at ISRS Symposium, Gawahati (1993)
4. Selected for the Factory Acceptance Test for the High Precision VEXCEL Scanner at Austria (2000)
5. Bharat Rakshak Award for the best essay on “India in Space – Vision 2020” (2003)

Best Public Speaker : ‘VAGMI - 2004’ award of THAPASYA (A Literary and Cultural Forum in Kerala)


Public Recognitin / Appearance
1. Covered in ‘TIMES OF INDIA’ January 2001 under ‘AURA POWER’
2. Spoke at ‘International Conf. On PARA & APARA’ on ‘STHAPATHYAVEDA’
3. Many dailies covered the series of lectures at Kerala (from Talipparamba to Trivandrum) during April-July 2002
5. Idea of the Mega ‘KERALOTSAV-2003’ at Hyderabad with 3 elephants and 3 boats and 500 artists from Kerala materialized – October 2003
6. Guest Speaker at MASCUT for the 49th Birth Day Celebration of Matha Amruthananda Mayi Devi – October 2003
7. Series of lectures at Oman and UAE – October 2003
8. ‘DEMISTYFYING YAGA’ a good coverage in HINDU daily after the talk at Kochi during the MAHAVRUTHA SOMA YAGA – 2005Covered on ASIANET / KAIRALI / SURYA on Interview etc.

Educational / Professional

1984 B.Sc. Mathematics Payyanur College, Calicut University
1986 M.Sc. Mathematics Cochin Uni. of Sc.& Tech.
1988 M.Phil Mathematics Bangalore university
1994 Ph.D Heat Transfer /Mathematics Bangalore University
1998 LLB Osmania University
2003 MBA HRM / Knowledge Management IGNOU
2006 MS Psychotherapy & Counseling, IPMS, Mumbai

Courses Passed / Attended
Kannada Certificate Course Bangalore University 1990
UNIX & C NIIT, Hyderabad 1990
CAD, DB, System Management Rolta India Ltd, Mumbai 1991
Stereo Plotter & Mapping Software Rolta India Ltd., Hyderabad 1991
Advanced Course on Computer Vision Central University, Hyderabad 1992
Photogrammetric Equipments IIRS, Anna University, Channai 1992
GPS-Photogrammetry IIRS, Anna University, Chennai 1992
C++ NIIT, Hyderabad 1993
MIMEX Kernex Micro Systems, Hyderabad 1994
Map Projections Geomap Society 1997
Sensors, Platforms & Imagery ISPRS Commission – I, Bangalore 1998
UltraScan 5000 Operation & Maintenance VEXCEL Austria, Graz, Austria 2000
Knowledge Management & E-Learning Chamber of commerce, Chennai 2001
Intellectual Property Right IIPRP, Hyderabad 2002
Cyber Laws ESCI, Hyderabad 2002
PG Dip. In Psychotherapy & Counseling IPMS. Mumbai 2002
Prin. & Appl. of Radar Remote Sensing IIRS-GDTA, Dehra Dun 2003
E-Content development UGC-CEC, Delhi 2005
Adaptive Learning UGC-CEC, Delhi 2006

Holistic Health Practices - Studied
§ Herbo Mineral Medicines from J & J De Chane Laboratories
§ Geopathic Stress from Earth Transitions, USA
§ Practicing Law of Health, Dinesh K Mehta Order
§ Member of Grace Medical Mission (Homeopathy), Mavelikkara, Kerala
§ Indian Traditional Ayurveda, Meditation & Yoga
§ Self-Hypnosis from Hypno Study Centre, Vithura, Kerala
§ REIKI, Pranic Healing, Color, Rudraksha and Esoteric Therapies.

PERSONAL pics drtps flyer photos of DrTPS

HOME - JNAANAM - Naduvil - Kannur - Kerala 

English / Malayalam / Hindi / Kannada/Telugu/Tamil

Travel Abroad
Hong Kong, Austria, UAE, Oman, Singapur, Malayasia, Thailand, Nepal, Tibet / China (Kailash-Manasasarowar Parikrama) - UK - Germany - Thailand - Soudi Arabia - USA 

Family Settled at Hyderabad Wife (married in 1990): 

Dr. P V Radhadevi,
Scientist at ADRIN, DOS, Secunderabad (Director - ADRIN Since - 2021)


S Harikrishnan
 (2021 - Post Doctorate at Dublin University - India Institute of law and Governance - after PhD (2019) :: (1991 -  at SYMBIOSYS, PUNE for BSc. Economics and 

S Yadukrishnan
 (1993- to appear for CBSE, 10th EXAM) (2021 - completed PhD from Open University - UK , Now with Oakridge lab in USA 